Tempe NSW 2044, Real Estate Agents, Real Estate Commission, Fees, Costs

Avoid becoming a real estate casualty in Tempe NSW 2044

Research has shown that 90% of home sellers and buyers have had a bad experience in dealing with real estate agents. Avoid becoming a casualty with your Tempe NSW real estate agent… their fees, costs and commission were only the tip of the iceberg!

Real Estate Agents in Tempe NSW 2044

If you are after a list of Tempe real estate agents, the best agent, the top agent, you won’t find your answer instantly on any website, well you will but you won't! The information made available in an instant on a comparison website or, on a rating website, is not complete, is not the whole picture. The information you are given on these websites is limited to only the real estate salespeople in Tempe that have joined their service.

If you are looking to sell, connect with an agent who will put more money in your pocket. Find out who they are from an independent source. A source that does not allow agents to subscribe to it, a source that does not have predetermined lists or affiliations with anyone. You can then rest assured that the information is truely independent. iREC- Vendor Advocate Service Tempe NSW

Who Has The Keys To Your Tempe NSW Home

How many people do you meet and after a brief chat of maybe 30 minutes or so you give them the keys to your home so they can come in whenever they like… whether you are home or not?

Do the people you trust the most in your life have the keys to your home... your Doctor, your Solicitor your Accountant?

Most people sell their home maybe once or twice in their lifetime. Most people take the decision of choosing their real estate agent far too lightly. Getting your real estate agent in Tempe NSW right the first time will be one of the single biggest financial decisions you will make, ever.

So, who has the keys to your home? Before you invite a stranger, a real estate agent, into your financial life, understand if they will improve it or destroy it.

Planning to sell your real estate in Tempe NSW?

There are 2 types of skilled real estate agents, you need to avoid one of them at all costs! read more >

Real Estate Commission and Fees in Tempe NSW

A Word To The Wise... it's not what the real estate agent charges you at the start that is important, it's what they cost you if you use the wrong one! We all want to maximise the result in our pocket but if you pick the agent purely because they have a lower fee than the others you're starting on the wrong foot from day 1.

We have compared the major Agent Comparison sites and have all the numbers... read more >

Did you know that even after you agree to a selling fee, it is still negotiable... read more >

Is Your Current Tempe Real Estate Agent Giving You Grief

If you are currently on the market in Tempe and things are not quite going to plan, feel free to contact us for a complimentary chat and we will get you back on the right path. iREC- Vendor Advocate Service Tempe NSW

Got a Question?

If you have any questions relating to Tempe real estate agents, their fees, commission, cost or just generally about selling your property in Tempe feel free to drop me a line, contact me personally (Robert Williams) on 1300 886359 or email me direct at robert@irec.com.au

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About the suburb Tempe

Tempe sits on the northern bank of the Cooks River and is separated from Sydney Airport by the Alexandra Canal, also known as Sheas Creek. The Wolli Creek waterway also empties into the Cooks River near Tempe.

Tempe was named after the mansion on the southern banks of the Cooks River in the area that is now known as Wolli Creek.

Alexander Brodie Spark (1792-1856), an immigrant from Elgin, Scotland, built Tempe House in 1836. It was named after the 'Vale of Tempe', a beautiful valley set at the foot of Mount Olympus in Greece, which was prominent in ancient Greek legend. Tempe House, designed by John Verge (1772-1861) in the Georgian style, is regarded as one of the great houses of Sydney. It is listed with the Heritage Council of New South Wales as well as the State Heritage Register. Spark also donated money towards the purchase of land and the building of St Peter's Church of England, which gave its name to the suburb of St Peters, to the north of Tempe.

Frederick Wright Unwin, who gave his name to Unwins Bridge Road, was prominent in the legal profession in Sydney's early days. William Bede Dalley, after whom Dalley Street was named, studied under Unwin and became one of the members of the first parliament in New South Wales in 1856.

A prominent businessman during the late 19th century, William Fanning, had Fanning Street named after him, which is situated in what used to be known as Tempe Village.

Way Street was named after the Way family. The solicitor Richard Henry Way built Lymerston, an Italianate villa that still stands in Hillcrest Street, in 1842-43. What is now Lymerston Street was originally the carriageway from the Princes Highway to the house. Lymerston was one of the villa estates subdivided by Robert Campbell. It survives as one of the better examples of the large villas of the 1840s, few of which remain. It was a Sisters of Mercy convent from 1915-82, after which it was used as a residential education centre. It was later sold as a private home. It is heritage-listed. There is a memorial window to the Way family in St Peters Church, St Peters.

Another prominent family was the Harber family. Emmanuel Harber started brickmaking in 1863. He was followed by Abel Harber, who carried on brickmaking on Unwins Bridge Road, before moving to Marrickville. Emmanuel, Abel and Elias Harber were aldermen on St Peters Council. There is a memorial window to the Harber family in St Peter's Church.

Gannon Street was named after the Gannon family. Michael Gannon arrived in Sydney in 1820 as a convict. After being pardoned, he opened an inn on the Cooks River Road. Fred Gannon built his Italianate home Hurlingham in Union Street. It still stands and is now heritage-listed. Jane Gannon was buried in St Peter's Church.

In 1963, Harry Triguboff bought a block of land in Smith Street and constructed a block of eight units. This was Triguboff's first development. Later, after his Gladesville development in Meriton Street, he would establish his company Meriton Apartments.

Trams A tram service once operated from Circular Quay along the Cooks River line to Tempe. This service was extended to St Peters as a steam tramway in 1891 and then to Tempe in 1900 when electric services commenced. The line ran down City Road from Broadway, then along King Street, Newtown before proceeding down the Princes Highway to its terminus at the Cooks River. At Tempe, a connection led to Tempe Depot. Past the terminus at the Cooks River, a single line led over the river to the Wolli Creek Per-way Yard, a large area accessible by both trains and trams. This was where the Sydney tramways housed its maintenance material. The cross country Cooks River - Dulwich Hill line connected the Tempe line and the Dulwich Hill line via Sydenham, operating along Railway Road and Sydenham Road in Sydenham. Cars for this lines got housed at Tempe Depot, one of two depots in the area, the other being Newtown. These two depots housed most of the cars used on these services, except for cars running from the City Due to the installment of the tram line the area became a popular resort, with large crowds attracted for swimming and boating on the river. The line closed in 1957, and bus 422 parallels the former line. When buses replaced trams, the Tempe Tram Depot became the Tempe Bus Depot. The railway station opened in 1884 but was originally called Cooks River. Railway The contractors for the construction of the first 23-mile [37 km] section of the Illawarra Railway arranged with timber mills in the Port Stephens and Manning River districts for the supply of sleepers and other timber necessary for the construction. This material was brought down by sea to Botany Bay in schooners and small coastal steamers. The vessels anchored off the entrance to Cooks River and discharged their cargoes on to flat-bottomed punts. Tugs towed the laden punts along the channels of the river to the head of navigation at the Tempe Dam, near the present Princes Highway bridge. On the river bank, immediately to the south of the dam, the contractors erected three wharves where the timber was unloaded and placed on small 4-wheeled railway trucks for conveyance by horse teams, over a temporary tramway, to the company's depot which was established about midway between St Peters and Sydenham railway stations. A large amount of material of all descriptions, including steelwork, for the railway bridge at Como, was also taken over the tramway from the depot to the wharves, where it was loaded on to a small paddle steamer for conveyance to Como via Botany Bay and Georges River.

Tempe Tip is the site of several large clay quarries used to supply the large brick kilns located on the Princes Highway at St Peters. These kilns supplied many of the bricks used throughout Sydney. Fossils of a very large amphibian were discovered in the clay, and one is now displayed at the reptile exhibits at Taronga Park Zoo. The pits were used for landfill, known colloquially as 'Tempe Tip', which caught fire in 1988. The tip has been redeveloped into extended parkland which now includes a golfing range. Nowadays, 'Tempe Tip' is an urban nickname for a large Salvation Army-run charity store, located in Bellevue Street Tempe; but despite the suggestion, this Salvos store is not a rubbish dump.

Heritage An historic home, formerly known as Leinster Hall and Nelson Lodge is Milford Haven. Located at 125 Unwins Bridge Road, this single-storey house, built circa 1858, is as an example of the Australian bungalow and is listed on the Register of the National Estate. In July 2009, Tempe residents gained Interim Heritage Orders to protect the former quarry cliff face, (the quarry where the stone for Milford Haven-Nelson Lodge was quarried from), a man-made sandstone block retaining wall built in the 1880s, a historical footpath with historical views, a late 19th-century Federation cottage and a Californian bungalow, all of which were at risk of complete demolition from a 37 townhouse development. This development was refused by Marrickville Council after over forty submissions were made against it by Tempe residents. However, this refusal was later appealed in the Land and Environment Court where an amended application for 27 townhouses was won after Marrickville Council agreed to Consent Orders with the developer after a closed door Council meeting on 20 October 2009. This subdivision, named "The Quarry".

Suburbs surrounding Tempe, NSW

Annandale, 2038
Ashfield, 2131
Ashbury, 2193
Balmain, 2041
Balmain East, 2041
Birchgrove, 2041
Croydon, 2132
Croydon Park, 2133
Dulwich Hill, 2203
Dobroyd Point, 2040
Enmore, 2042
Haberfield, 2045
Hurlstone Park, 2193
Leichhardt, 2040
Lewisham, 2049
Lilyfield, 2040
Marrickville, 2204
Petersham, 2049
Rozelle, 2039
St Peters, 2044
Stanmore, 2048
Summer Hill, 2130
Sydenham, 2044